Mackinac Bridge Authority

Spanning the Straits of Mackinac since 1957

Monthly Traffic Statistics


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
January 158,283 176,277 176,391 185,546 189,319 190,994 204,035 186,538 201,705 215,779 191,443 214,076
February 169,044 175,559 193,726 197,625 198,986 179,681 216,732 200,326 216,523 211,883 215,119
March 195,514 204,994 215,356 220,533  242,009 234,497 177,904 229,227 207,886 230,852 239,551
April 199,561 217,782 226,833  249,221 213,899 231,950 86,413 257,000 231,805 243,970 260,318
May 304,387 325,012 332,014  338,538  353,243 353,153 222,071 360,956 352,745 369,525 380,082
June 382,191 399,344 419,285 437,174  446,930 449,118 366,253 476,110 448,055 492,976 491,919
July 518,796 566,995 604,165  609,916 610,322 612,890 572,522 641,696 595,100 638,241 638,662
August 563,113 569,468 581,197  594,396 608,996 639,291 605,225 623,250 585,869 616,587 640,606
September 381,450 442,402 464,394  463,870 455,817 461,683 488,209 499,255 491,014 498,563 502,868
October 331,358 365,907 390,648  388,763 377,241 399,826 405,703 433,063 412,743 429,239 451,731
November 229,900 260,171  268,276 263,335 262,751 255,346 227,915 267,242 260,708 277,965 281,056
December 201,024 210,450  197,287 205,632 218,005 220,544 180,410 211,803 203,830 230,568 232.689

January Traffic Report

Kim Nowack, Bridge Director of the MBA, reported today that 214,076 vehicles crossed the Mackinac Bridge during the month of January compared to 191,443 in 2024.
For the month of January, traffic was up 11.8% and toll revenue was up 11.3% compared to last year.
The Mackinac Bridge Authority has scheduled a substantial amount of long-term preservation work for the bridge over the next several years. These major efforts will ensure that the bridge continues to remain structurally sound and provide a safe crossing for everyone.
The MBA’s sole source of funding is from tolls and fees collected at the Mackinac Bridge. All revenue collected is used to maintain, operate, and protect the 67-year-old National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark.